Smoking is truly a bad habit and once you start this habit, then you will find it hard to get out of it. People who always smoke already smell like cigarette. The smell of the smoke can cling to their clothes, hair and they are usually bad breathed. Smoking is more than just an annoying habit because it can endanger the life of smokers and people surrounding them. Its dangers include life threatening diseases caused by chemicals found inside a stick of cigarette. These effects must be taken seriously by smokers especially if they want to live longer.

Cigarette smoking is very hazardous to health and you might suffer from heart diseases, cancer, emphysema, and if you are a pregnant mother then it can lead to complications. Pregnant women or those who are planning to get pregnant are advised to stop smoking because it can affect the baby inside their womb. It can cause different birth defects. For men, smoking can cause erectile dysfunction which is a common problem for men.  It can affect your relationship to your partner and can lead to marital problems.

These dangers are not only for those who smoke, but also for people who are around them like families and friends. If you know a family member or a friend who smoke, then you should stay away from them. Smokers forget that once they light up a cigarette, then people around them are forced to inhale the smoke coming from their cigarette. Actually, secondhand smoking is more dangerous than smoking because they do not have a filter. Children who grow up to a family with one or both parents who smoke will likely to develop asthma, allergies and respiratory problems. There is a higher chance of miscarriage if you smoke during pregnancy. 

If you want safest alternative to smoking cigarette, then you can try electronic cigarette with nicotine and flavoring inside that is heated with the use of a battery to produce vapor. This is the easiest way to satisfy your craving for nicotine without additional chemicals. However, the use of electronic cigarette has not been approved by the FDA as a good alternative to tobacco smoking, but many people in different parts of the world are starting to use it. Actually, there are no proven bad side effects of it. There is no enough research to prove that electronic cigarette is really safe.

Another bad effect of cigarette is change in physical appearance. It can do alterations on the face like skin around the lips will get darker, thinned and wrinkled. Chemicals found on cigarette can take away the elasticity of the skin. The teeth will get yellowish in color because of the tobacco stain. Although there are teeth whitening products, it cannot do so much to prevent this effect. Smokers will develop bad breath which is very embarrassing especially if you need to talk to a person closely. These might not seem very serious, but it can caused undesirable effects. This habit is not only bad because it is a very dangerous habit.
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